Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 29 - 3 Wishes

I wish.....

This year is better than last year. Last year was rough. So many bad things happened, and even if they did have somewhat good outcomes in the end, it still sucked.

I wish.....

My family and Frenchie's family is healthy this year.

I wish.....

This life that I have planned goes as it should, and that all the surprises life has in store and just as they should be. Surprises and wonderful and meaningful and happen for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! I'm a better person for all the crap that happened to me this past year. I'm in a new city, with new friends on a grand new adventure, but yeah it would be nice if this next year was a bit easier :)That way I can stop paying people to tell me I'm going to be alright!



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