Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6: A Picture of Something that Makes You Happy

I have a ball mum

Beta makes me very happy. I know there is a pets day later on in this 30 Day Challenge, but I needed to include her in this day.
We adopted her 10 months ago and I smile everytime I think of how precious she is.
She was found on a reserve with her brother and mom. We adopted her so she would have a good home and I can't thank Misty Creek Dog Rescue enough for giving us an opportunity to welcome a pet into our home and save her from whatever future she may have had.
Beta just turned 1 year old this past week. She's still very much a puppy and still has some issues with fear and trust of strangers, but she's working really hard on it and getting better.
She's a cuddly dog and sometimes thinks she's a lap dog, but for the most part she just curls up at our feet if we watch TV.

I wish humans got as excited as dogs do when they see you.

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