Friday, March 11, 2011

Fitness Friday: Look ma! No Hands!!

I  remembered to take a picture of a move I got last night. I've been struggling with the Hummingbird for a while, entirely out of fear. Learning to let go of the pole with both hands is a big deal. You need to fully trust your legs (or whatever body part that's attached to the metal) to hold you. I know my legs are strong, and I know that holding with my knee is something I can do.

I've been able to do Cupid for a long time now and wanted to try a no-handed cupid, otherwise known as the Hummingbird. Definitely got my heart going.
(apologies for the blackberry quality, forgot my camera)

Newest Accomplishement!
I need to turn my body more to face the floor, but that will come with time.
(No handed cupid)


  1. Damn girl! Youz got skillz! :)

    That is really awesome. Looks hard, and I bet you're so excited!


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