Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - Life In Review

2012 was a busy year. Full of changes, like any year is, and full of discovery. There were a lot of ups and downs, a lot of celebration and a lot of reading!

Frenchie and I have been married for 1.5 years. It seems like less most days. I feel like we're still falling in love every day.

Both of us switched jobs this year. New companies, new roles and new opportunities. It seems every few years we need a change and seem to be on the same schedule. It's exciting and stressful, but change is usually a good thing. For me, I have to be pushed to my limit before I choose change, but I'm always glad when I take the leap.

I started a home-based business. Epicure Selections. I'm almost at my one year mark and I couldn't be happier I started this endeavour  It's allowed us to eat healthier, have some extra income and add some spice to our kitchen. The plan last January was to try it and see how it went. I love what I do and have loved all the new opportunities to make new friends, spread some flavour and see people fall in love with cooking again.

On top of Epicure, I started teaching Piano lessons. I was so incredibly nervous that I would be horrible and my students would hate me or I'd be the one that makes them dislike music. I won't say I'm the best teacher, far from it, but I'm learning. And I love it. It may be a rush to get home from my day job, but after teaching, my stress seems to melt. It warms my heart to see kids excited to learn music.

Fitness wise, I failed miserably at my goals. I kept trying new things, and ultimately nothing stuck. Ballet was a great experience again, and while I miss it, the classes aren't convenient for my schedule. I'm starting to slowly get back into weight lifting after meeting with a chiropractor. He's made the world of difference in my pain levels and I'm so thankful he was able to determine what the issues are FINALLY!

Health related news was a shock this year. After what I would call a relapse into the world of stress, I went to a naturopath for a second opinion. She has helped me more than I can thank her. I'm not out of the woods yet, but my ability to cope has vastly improved. She also made the suggestion to go gluten free and I can't tell you what a difference it has made. I had no idea that food was making me feel so crappy.

Both our families have experienced big changes this year. My other sister moved to the same city as oldest sister and I. It's been wonderful to be able to see them both more often and spend time on a whim rather than planned well in advance. Frenchie's family gained 2 new little ones, niece and nephew and very shortly in the new year, another sister-in-law.

Every year I'm thankful for my family, friends and the life we have. I may complain and bitch about things but life is just the way it should be.


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